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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Self-check Is your computer free from Viruses??

Is your Computer free from virus??

Do u have an anti virus??But can`t trust it!!

So Check your self~
1>GO to tools menu at the top,see whether there is folder options or not..If there is no Folder options then Be sure that you Got viruses & threads in your computer or laptop.
2>While inserting an external device Check whether Autoplay Appers Or Not??If not then be sure u have viruses.
3>While using my computer Does many of the new windows arrise every time you click the folders??If yes then u need a doctor.
4>If your name of folder and files are written in an unknown language then It might be work of some viruses.
5>If you have difficulties in operating your computer like some of your programmes opens automatically with out you click it then viruses are on war with you..
6>Does your files and folders delete automatically??This maght be a serious problem..Install a new Anti-Virus and format your Pc setting back ups..
checking all of the above tips might make you aware about the harms of virus and stay away from voruses..

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